
Note : 9,6/10



General terms and conditions of sale and use

The WW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM website offers seasonal rentals for individuals and professionals. The purpose of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use is, on the one hand, to inform any potential buyer of the terms and conditions under which SAS UPSJEH carries out seasonal rental transactions on its WW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM site and, on the other hand, to define the rights and obligations of the Parties in this context.

Access to the Website, its consultation and use are subject to the unreserved acceptance of these General Terms of Use.

General information

No right of withdrawal. Pursuant to Article L. 221-28 of the French Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal is not applicable to the provision of accommodation, transport, catering and leisure services which must be provided on a specific date or at a specific time.

I- Legal mentions: 

  • Publisher: The company that owns and publishes the WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM website
    Corporate name: Venezchezvous property management
    Person in charge of publication: M. Stéphane TOURRES.
    URL: https://www.venezchezvous.com
    Address Head office: 249 Impasse du Villaret 74410 Saint-Jorioz
    R.C.S. Annecy: 893 734 327
    Corporate form: Simplified joint stock company (single shareholder company)
    Capital (Euros): 500,00 Euros
  • Hosting
    The Site is hosted on the servers of CELEONET
    Registered office: Agence de Paris (Siège social) Téléphone : 01 40 64 01 31
    70 rue Berthie Albrecht
    94400 Vitry-sur-Seine
  • Applicable law and modifications of the present conditions:
    The present text is subject to French law. Transactions on the site are subject to French law regardless of the country of residence of the buyer and the place where the order is placed. Any dispute relating to the existence, interpretation, execution or breach of contract between WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM and the buyer, even in the event of multiple defendants, shall, in the absence of an amicable agreement, be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent French courts in application of the rules laid down by the French code of civil procedure.The Editor reserves the right to modify, freely and at any time, the General Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy of the Website. Each Internet user connecting to the Website is invited to regularly consult the present Terms of Use in order to take note of possible changes. Nevertheless, the General Conditions of Sale applicable to the order are those accepted by the buyer at the time of placing the order.

II- Website operations:    

  • The editorial content
    We draw your attention to the deformation that buildings and rooms undergo on wide angle photos. The photos are only given as examples and are in no way contractual. The surfaces of the accommodations are approximate and given as an indication.The Site proposes an editorial content for documentary purposes only and as an indication. This content must be taken as elements of reflection. The users are invited by the Editor to exploit this information with a critical mind and discernment.
  • Hypertext links to third party sites
    The Site displays hypertext links to websites published by third parties. The setting up of these links does not mean the approval by the Editor of the contents of the said sites. The Editor cannot permanently control the content of the said sites, and cannot guarantee: the accuracy, the reliability, the relevance, the update, or the exhaustiveness of their content; their access and good technical functioning. Consequently, the responsibility of the Editor could not be retained in the event of possible litigation between a site referred on the Site and a User. Only the responsibility of the editors of the sites referenced on the Site could be engaged.
  • The security of exchanges
    The Editor undertakes to take all legal and technical measures to secure the exchanges. As such, the Editor commits himself to an obligation of means to block the detour of data, and to respect the applicable regulations. Nevertheless, the Users of the Site know the technical characteristics of the Internet network and the related risks. Consequently, the Editor cannot guarantee to its Users that the data exchanged via the services proposed by the Site are not collected in a fraudulent way by thirds.
  • Availability of services and responsibility
    •  The Editor has a simple obligation of means in terms of accessibility of service and puts in place the necessary structures to make the Site accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, the Editor can suspend the access without notice, in particular for reasons of maintenance and upgrades. The Editor is in no way responsible for any damage that may result for the User or any third party. The Editor may at any time delete all or part of its Services or modify their content, in particular for technical reasons, without notice. The Editor reserves the right to refuse, unilaterally and without prior notice, to any User the access to all or part of the Site. Such a decision could be taken in particular in case of non-respect of the terms of the present text by a User.
    • Under no circumstances shall the administrators of the WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM site be held responsible for technical malfunctions beyond their control (connection problems, data transmission, or network unavailability). In the event of an error in entering the e-mail address, or of not receiving the order confirmation message, WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM cannot be held responsible.
    • It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure their own computer security. The administrators of the WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM site could not be held responsible for accidental or voluntary damage caused to the customer by third parties or by their connection to the Internet network. The editor declines all responsibility in case of loss by the user of the Website of his login and/or password or in case of usurpation of his identity.
    • The publisher declines all responsibility in case of abnormal use or illicit exploitation of the Website. The user of the Website is then solely responsible for any damage caused to third parties and the consequences of any claims or actions that may result from this.

III- Prices and conditions of sale:  

1- The prices announced on the site, in euros, depend on the rental period. It is necessary to choose a period on the calendar in order to obtain the adapted rate. The minimum number of nights of reservation also differs according to the period: they are specified for each rental and at the time of the reservation. The general rule is 2 nights minimum all year round and 7 days minimum during the summer and Christmas school vacations.

2- Rates may change. It is up to the user to pay the price indicated on the day of the reservation on the WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM website. In no case will a possible price change have a retroactive effect for people who have already booked.

The prices include the value added tax (VAT) applicable on the day of the order. Any change in the applicable VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the prices displayed by WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM on its website.

3- All rentals will only be effective and confirmed once the payment of the deposit (30%) has been made, under the conditions defined on the WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM website. The balance (70%) must be paid online 30 days before the start of the stay. For reservations made less than 30 days before the start of the stay, full payment is required at the time of reservation.

4- Payment is made by credit card via CYBERPLUS, the secure online payment system of Banques Populaires. The credit cards accepted on the site are the following: Carte Bleue, Visa and Mastercard. These payment cards must be issued by a bank or financial institution located in the European Union or in Monaco.

5- In case of non-acceptance by the bank of the client’s payment, the rental will not be confirmed and the client will have to restart the payment procedure.

7- All the rental ads on the website are free to consult.

8- All the prices mentioned on the real estate website WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM, are indicated including all taxes.

9- Exceptional offers, various promotions:

The administrators of the WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM website reserve the right to propose certain promotional offers. In all cases, the present general conditions of sale and use of the site remain identical and apply.

10- We remind you that an accommodation planned for a determined number of occupants, cannot in any case be inhabited by a higher number of people.

11- The services can differ according to the accommodation and are specified on their individual sheets.

IV- Cancellation:  

At any time, the client can cancel his reservation by contacting the site administrator by email (contact@venezchezvous.com).

In case of cancellation, the following conditions will be applied:
– If the cancellation occurs more than 1 month before the arrival date, the penalty will be 100% of the prepaid rental amount.
– If the cancellation occurs 7 days to 1 month before the arrival date, the penalty will be 50% of the rental amount.
– If the cancellation occurs less than 7 days before the arrival date, the penalty will be 100% of the rental amount.
In the event of no show (NO SHOW), the customer will lose 100% of the rental amount.

V – Stay:

  • During the stay, children under 18th years old remain under the entire responsibility of their parents and/or accompanying person.
  • Foreign nationals and health regulations: We recommend that you contact the consulates of each country for information on possible visas and the organizations in charge of health regulations. We are not responsible for people who do not comply with the regulations in force.
  • Arrivals and departures: arrivals are scheduled between 4pm and 8pm and departures before 10am.
  • The linen and cleaning package is compulsory.

VI – Data protection:

According to the Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978, relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, the users of the site have a right of access, of modification, correction, and suppression of the personal information which concern them. They can exercise this right by logging on to the site, by e-mail or by sending a registered letter to the site administrator at the following address:

Venezchezvous property management
249 Impasse du Villaret 74410 Saint-Jorioz

VII – Force majeure:

In case of force majeure, the administrators of the real estate site WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM could not be held responsible for any damage that could be suffered by customers. The following events are considered as force majeure: war, riot, strike, fire, explosion, flood, cyclone, earthquake, sabotage, computer virus, failure of a computer system or any other event beyond the control of the administrators of the real estate site and likely to compromise the execution of its services.

VIII – Intellectual property rights:

The WWW.VENEZCHEZVOUS.COM site is governed by French and international legislation concerning intellectual property and copyright. The Editor is the owner of rights concerning certain data protected by the Code of the intellectual property. It is in particular so for its trademarks, its graphic charter, its database. Consequently, their exploitation offline or online, free of charge or against payment, of all or part of these data without the express consent of the Editor is forbidden. Any reproduction, exploitation, redistribution or use of the elements of the site, whether they are textual, software, visual, sound, … etc… is strictly forbidden under penalty of criminal prosecution. Any simple or hypertext link redirecting and/or allowing access to the site is strictly prohibited without express written consent.

IX – Protection of personal data

In accordance with the Regulation relating to the protection of personal data, the Internet user is informed that the publisher, in its capacity as data controller, implements the processing of personal data within the framework of the use of the Website.

For any information concerning the processing of personal data and to know the extent of their rights, Internet users can consult the Personal Data Protection Policy, available on the site.

Date of update : 31/08/2021

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